You absolutely HAVE to run over to the blog of the Queen of All Things Aprony, EllynAnne Geisel - Apron Memories. She's got a Spectacular Giveaway that is not to be missed!!
Guess what the prize is .... a pre-release copy of the second edition of apronology magazine!!!
GIVEAWAY DEADLINE is this Friday, January 29thGuess what the prize is .... a pre-release copy of the second edition of apronology magazine!!!
Here's a picture with the February 2, 2009 inaugural issue,

Good luck!!
Oh, EllynAnne, I have both of your books but I've never seen this magazine before!! I would so love to win it! thank you so much!
Farmgirl Sister #222
Shawnee have you seen how many gals have signed up for this give away!!!