Guess the Theme WINNER
Oh, Kathy, YOU'RE OUR WINNER! I took everyone's theme guesses from the two posts here and one on the Apronista.ning (30 in all!), ran them through my random generator and then kept picking numbers until the person selected made a reasonably-correct guess. So Kathy from Hillsfam at Xanga, you have won a pair Flirty-Not-Dirty Kitchen Gloves; your pair will look something like these! If you let me know your favorite colors some time today, I'll work them in; otherwise, it will be a fun surprise! OH, and I need your mailing address! Email that info to me at shawneeh at yahoo dot com.
Cool!! Extra Cool!! Thanks so much for the very fun giveaway!! And, I'll be sending you my address in a minute. Have a great day! Kathy