Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sew and Tell

Everyone who has a blog has been invited to be a blog author on this site! That means if you want to, you can now start your own messages and post pictures on this blog.

I understand not everyone wants to author or is able to take photos but even if you don't have a blog or want to become an author, you can still have a voice by adding comments to posts others have started and will still be able to participate in all contests.

So, let's hear from you gals. Post some fabric hints or tell us which pattern you're thinking about making! Are you excited to make someone's vacation dream come true??


  1. I found my fabric on line! It should be here in a week or so. Hope it is what I expected it to be when it gets here! I do have an alternate in mind. I also ordered a cook book to go with it! That I know will work!

  2. Shawnee..thanks for the invite to be a blog author...I am thrilled! I am planning a fun post for Monday...hugs

  3. I've got my apron all planned out in my mind. Now if only I can find just the right fabric to make my swap partners vacation the best ever...


Welcome Apronistas -- I appreciate your lovely comments!!