Sunday, July 19, 2009

With a Little Bit

of luck, I'll get most of my Lucy swap finished this week. I had a great apron going for my partner, and then decided I had to keep it myself---isn't that terrible? But I promise you, dear partner, you will not be disappointed!!

I think the best part of the swaps is going to everyone's blog/website and seeing what they're up to. I haven't posted a whole lot of pictures lately because I haven't been doing a whole lot of sewing lately: since the double rinse cycle laundry tub overflow (disaster) a lot of stuff has been piled on my sewing table. But yesterday the light went on-I can move everything that doesn't belong there to the couch and sew! Since we can't watch TV down there, I can use the couch for storage for the next little while....

I hope everyone else is having fun and won't have any "esplaining" to do before the swap ends...

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Welcome Apronistas -- I appreciate your lovely comments!!