If you have not sent/posted a picture of your apron, please do so immediately!!! If you HAVE sent/posted a picture and it is NOT in the Gallery yet, email me immediately! THANKS!!To wrap up our first Flirty Apron Swap,
you have to opportunity to vote on the Flirtiest Apron sent during this swap and possibly win something for yourself, too!
The prize for whomever created the winning apron: a PAIR of mother/daughter aprons that I selected from
Twinklebelle - Flo at Twinklebelle has generously donated this prize and you all get to choose the winner! Here's a little bit about this company:
Twinklebelle Home and Crafts (located in Vancouver, BC) is very pleased to participate in this fun apron swap event by offering a set of mother daughter aprons to the winner.
Twinklebelle was started in 2004 with a few handmade aprons. Now it offers many styles of fabulous aprons and other practical and unique products for families. Our group now consists of a few moms working around busy schedules of products development and kids' activities. We all enjoy our work very much.
We love aprons for the unbounded design flexibilities as we can be bold on colors and a little crazy on patterns. Our everyday aprons tend to be more contemporary while our holiday aprons embrace more traditions.
Twinklebelle helps children in poverty by offering tuition assistance. This program was set up in 2005 and currently sponsors three students.
How to vote: First, visit the
Flirty Apron Swap Photo Gallery and choose which apron you think is the "Flirtiest" and note who made it. Then, look around
Twinklebelle.net and choose your favorite from their large assortment of adult/child matching aprons. Aprons are on several different pages, so be sure to really look through their site. Finally, come back to the
Flirty Apron Swap Blog and leave a comment on this post telling us 1) WHO you believe created the Flirtiest Apron and 2) WHICH apron set from Twinklebelle should be awarded to the winner.
Feel free to also include other positive comments about our sponsor's store with your vote -- I ADORE their products and know you will, too!!! If you end up purchasing anything there, please let Flo know you found them through our swap.Last opportunity to vote/comment (change your vote/comment LOL!) is midnight Saturday, April 20th. I will tally all the results and announce the winner on Sunday the 21st. Please vote only once.
How do you win, too? Everyone who correctly guesses which
Twinklebelle apron set I chose as Flirtiest Apron Contest prize is automatically entered into a separate drawing and one lucky name will be randomly selected to receive the
adult oops CHILD-size of THAT apron set as a gift from me! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE YOUR OWN BLOG OR BE AN AUTHOR ON THIS BLOG TO ENTER .... if you need to post a comment "anonymously," just be sure to sign your name so I can contact you if you win.
Wow, what a wrap-up! THREE aprons to be given away, TWO contests in ONE! Thank you for participating in this swap. It's been so much fun!!