'Tis timely to laud the women of an earlier generation who'd had it up to here with their lack of rights. Thanks to the feisty suffragettes, who put the walk into their talk, picketed the White House, and participated in hunger strikes and other forms of civil disobedience, the 19th amendment was ratified to the Constitution in 1920, giving women the right to vote.

In celebration of Voting and Choice, Ellen at Apron Memories is giving away this vintage apron:
The cobbler-style apron pattern is copyrighted 1952, the presidential election year that voted Eisenhower into the White House. 1952 was also Elvis Presley's junior year in high school, which is beside the point of this giveaway, but for Hunk a Burnin' Love's military service (1958-60).
To enter this giveaway, simply share your patriotic apron comment on her blog. To double your chances, post this giveaway on your site or blog, and leave a comment with a link to your post on her blog. Comments espousing a particular party, candidate or ballot issue should be saved for fights with your family, friends and co-workers. Such comment will cancel your entry to this giveaway.
This giveaway will close to entries on October 15th at 8:59 pm mountain time - one minute before she shuts the computer for the night. Drawing October 16th.
Please enter often and increase your chances to tie one on...this apron, of course! and wear it November 4th when you Vote.
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