Thursday, October 9, 2008

Va-Va Voom Apron

What do you say about a woman who, even in the midst of a crisis like the hurricane, still manages to create an amazing, thoughtful apron? I guess you say that SHE is amazing and thoughtful!

Tonya's apron, along with potholders and a fantastic magazine, arrived today. I let Gigi model it as I'm not dressed in a pretty enough outfit to do it justice right now. My husband said "Now THAT's an apron"--he thought it was a va-va-voom apron!!

Thank you so, so much!!


  1. WOW! The women of Texas are amazing!

  2. Love the fabrics you used on this one! Super cute. Thanks for the comment on how to teach a 4 year old to sew. I'm excited to try. Thanks.


Welcome Apronistas -- I appreciate your lovely comments!!