Hi All --
Just a quick reminder that the Celebrating Independence round of the Flirty Apron Swap ends this weekend! I chose this special weekend for several personal reasons:
- For this swap, it's a fun weekend because today (Saturday, June 14) is Flag Day. Be sure to fly your colors with pride today!!
- Tomorrow is Father's Day! I hope you all cook up a special treat for someone on Father's Day - your dad, grandpa, hubby, a neighbor - and wear a flirty apron while doing it!
- It's my niece Tessi's birthday tomorrow, too. She'll be 6 and lives in AZ.
- It's a remembrance, too; my mother passed away 11 years ago tomorrow, and it was Father's Day that year too. So, I'm trying to spread a little joy around in honor of my mother, Priscilla Clara Houghtling Christensen (1923 - 1997). She didn't wear a lot of aprons but she is the one that taught me the joy of surprises, creativity and giving to others!! Hey all, hug your momma for me next time you see her!
So, if you're going to be late with your apron (mailing after Monday), please let me and your partner know. As an added incentive to SEW, SEW, SEW this weekend, don't forget that everyone who mails on time is entered into a drawing for a Sew Liberated pattern!!
Enjoy a glorious and creative weekend!!
PS - If you didn't get to join us this time, be sure to keep checking back for the next round!
yeah..........when IS the next one????????