I said that I wasn't going to do a give a way for my birthday - but I was angry today when I calculated that my family spends $12 a day to get my husband to and from work and that's in our economy earthfriendly - high mileage getting little Toyota. At Costco today, on bread, milk, cheese, fruit and eggs, we spent just under $100 - who can afford this? I am a health conscious, earth conscious, faith in God havin, normal American with a husband who has been serving in the military for 12 years.I feel that we need to take action - and I know that we all already do in our own ways - so - to join this giveaway - post a comment on my blog at www.ourtransition.blogspot.com with five tips on any of the following topics:
a) money saving tips for families suffering in this economy
b) earth friendly ways to save gas or break our countries petroleum addiction
c) tell me what you or your family is currently doing to better the economy or get through the gas crisis
d) anything else that you think pertains and is socially and morally responsible
e) are you going to vote?
Double entry if you send me a message that I can post on my blog of a recipe for a family of 4 or more (preferably 6) for a nutritious and economical meal!
Third entry if you put a link to this give a way on your blog! (put in your comment that you did it so I can track it:)
The apron is going to be of recycled fabric, with a funky applique (this will be my June project)! I haven't picked the design yet, it will depend on who wins what I sew. The contest ends on the 6/9 at 10 pm!
count me in for 3 entries! :-)