simply must rave about the package I received in the mail from Freida. Freida was my original (I am guessing) apron swap partner and her family lived for 12 days without power during the Hurricane Ike disaster.
I have already received an awesome apron from Sarah and showed pics on this and my blog of the red, white and amazing creation.
Yesterday, I get a package in the mail from Texas & I am thinking.........hmmm, I didn't order anything from Texas and lo and behold, the pictures tell the story.
I have never seen so many cool and wonderful stickers & she didn't forget the grandchildren, she included boy stickers, girl stickers, holiday stickers & oh, my favorites (who told her I loved snowmen?) These are just the most adorable ones I have seen and I will be using them for something, but haven't decided yet!

But, Freida wasn't done yet, she printed out some cool destinations for my family to visit in Seattle. While I live and have lived in Washington state, Seattle is the most amazing, wonderful city in the world to me and I love going and exploring.
Thank you Freida for the information on the 'Ride the Duck,' tour, I had never heard of it, but we hope soon to take the children to Seattle and ride and duck and we will send you pictures!

Frieda wasn't finished yet, she enclosed lots of wonderful cardstock for me and you can see it all here!
WOW! I am humbled, tickled pink, the kids couldn't contain themselves & I am simply thankful!