Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fabric decisions, decisions, decisions!!!

At a quilt shop a few weeks ago, I picked up these snowflake fabrics in anticipation of this swap.

However I have since received my swap partner information and I'm thinking these fabrics better suit my partner's preferences.

So what to do? Any suggestions fellow swappers??


  1. I say Pinecones for your swap partner and snowflakes for me :)

  2. Hey! I was gonna suggest that too - you just beat me to it! Maybe you bought enough of the snowflakes for both of us? :-) Seriously - all the fabrics are nice, but I just don't see how you could go wrong with the snowflakes....

  3. If your partner will like it, go with whatever they want!

  4. love the pinecones and the snowflakes...why not a reversible apron? Whatever you choose I'm sure will turn out super cute!!

  5. Love both the fabric combo's. I say go with the one you think you're partner will like the best. They're both beautiful!

  6. Such beautiful fabric. I'd choose the pinecones, especially after enlarging the pic and seeing that there's glitter on the pine needles. Just follow your instincts with which suits your swap partner best.

  7. I LOVE the pinecones, in fact I bought the same fabric myself for some much needed new holiday pillows and decorations!!!

  8. Love the pinecone fabric especially the white. I can smell the pine in the air.

  9. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I'm going to go with pine cones.

  10. both of those fabrics are GORGEOUS!!!!

  11. I meant snowflakes, but the pinecones are cute too


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