Saturday, December 11, 2010


My Swap Sister Jillayne put together such a lovely tin filled package using the word snowflakes.  She sent stickers, note cards, ornament candle, wreath ornament (with cute little bells), fuzzy fingered gloves (with hand stitching), lotion (Secret Wonderland - yummy), angle (hand crochet and stiffened), kitchen towel, elf cookie cutter, and a snowflake ornament ( filled with snow- so cute) all wrapped up in snowflake paper.
Everyone knows I am a tree hugging, dirt worshiper - lol.  Actually I am a Master Gardener through the University of Central Florida and this season's campaign was 'Grow It, Eat It". I am also a floral designer at Country Club Flower Shop.   I love the pattern Jillayne used with two layers of fabric; great absorption power for my perpetually wet and dirty hands.  At the flower shop when Shelly and I wash our hands for lunch we make a game out of who has the dirtiest soapy hands and this month working with tree sap is a bonus.
So the story goes:  I went home for 10 minutes during my lunch hour to let the dogs go potty (I live two blocks from the shop).  There was my package waiting by the door.  Shelly would be so excited!  We have been waiting for it and wondering who my apron partner was.  You see, every afternoon after we have washed our perpetually wet and dirty hands, we sit in the office for lunch.  We go directly to Shawnee's FAS blog and read blogs, comments, post comments and try to guess who is making my apron.  We feel like we know everyone.

This year I though I would be sneaky and ask for something really odd so I told my secret unknown partner that I love Jackalopes and Celtic stars.  I am sure she was scratchin her head over that one.  I also told her I was a very woodsy person and loved earth tones.  Jillayne did not disappoint!  Her color choices were right on the money and I know that if she had been feeling better she would have been more involved in this years swap. Feel better Jillayne! We've missed you.

Kat F.


  1. I have tried to contact her also, as I sent a package to her, no reply to the email or blog. Sigh. I am going to guess she did not like the package. At least I know it arrived days ago. So my end of the bargain has been kept.

  2. Jillayne's been EXTREMELY sick and her blog is down, too. I'll send you her email, Kat.

  3. I hope Jillayne is feeling better soon. I sent to her in a swap a few swaps back (gosh...which one was that, I think it was cupcakes, cherries and M.E.), and I wasn't sure if she got my package either, but now I understand. I hope everything is ok.


Welcome Apronistas -- I appreciate your lovely comments!!